martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Interesting website

“Chile crece contigo” is a chilean website that contribute with the integral protection for the childhood and their families. This program is assign to boys and girls of all the country. The idea is generate a social environment base in a familiar environment.
This page provides to adults of different aspects necessary for care, motivation and development of children.
The web site offers a serie of sections according to ages. The topics of the web page are variety, but all them are very important for development of children.

Some sections of the website are:
Maybe you need know
Most viewed
Activities for share
Questions to expert

The page offer too different forums about: Gestation, labor and birth, maternal lactation, stimulation and learning, children’s healthy, specials needs.

I visit this page when I have an e-mail with the weekly bulletin, because I’m register there. In the weekly bulletin appears a new topic and always are very interesting. As well, the information that I read in the page is useful for my career, I like this because I use it like a complement for some subjects.

3 comentarios:

  1. Chile crece contigo
    is very interesting website.
    always interesting and innovative news.


  2. I wrote about the same website !
    is a very interesting website^^

    See you on the next english class! :D

  3. Quite interesting, be careful with your English vocabulary and grammar!! Very good!!
