martes, 26 de abril de 2011


I would like to go to Ireland since I was a little girl, I was read many books about The Middle age that describes beautiful castles and in some movies you can see a wonderful landscapes with a lot of old castles, all is green and mountains are full of vegetation and flowers. I like too the Celtic mythology and their music I would like to look for a clover of four leafs, I think that great. In Ireland exist a big national park call Glenveagh, in their gardens have a exotic plants, even Chilean plant. Besides you can see venados and   eagles.
The problem is money, that’s a big problem! A ticket to Ireland it’s very expensive, and I have no money, but I hope travel some day to this places and take a lot of pictures. Other problem is the language, I should practice my english because in Ireland the english is different and more difficult.
While waiting I Would like to travel to Torres del Paine and Patagonia, This a beautiful landscapes too, and more close. Maybe in the next vacations decide travel with my friends to south of Chile and make a camping.

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

My music

It’s so difficult for me talk about my favorite music, I like many bands, no band is more important that another band. Any time is ideal for listening to music…
When I was younger my mother and my uncles they listened bands and singers like Charlie Gracía, Sui Generis, Silvio Rodríguez and other classical rock bands like The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Janis Joplin, Led Zeppelin and more. When I’m sad I always listen these bands, I remember my chilhood and feel in company of my family .
I like chilean music, makes me feel good, my favorite band is Los Tres, I love since I was twelve years old, enjoy so much his music. Their band has accompanied me all my youth. Have matured as musicians over seven discs. Even I had the chance to assist a tree concerts to “Los tres” this was a amazing moment in my life, full place to people enjoy, dance and sing with the same music than me. Feel the music so strong in my ears from the band that I like, doesn´t compare with nothing.
 I can´t leave to mention the nineties music, I like his strength and the mix of styles, I love bands like Radiohead, Oasis, Beck, The verve and more

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Interesting website

“Chile crece contigo” is a chilean website that contribute with the integral protection for the childhood and their families. This program is assign to boys and girls of all the country. The idea is generate a social environment base in a familiar environment.
This page provides to adults of different aspects necessary for care, motivation and development of children.
The web site offers a serie of sections according to ages. The topics of the web page are variety, but all them are very important for development of children.

Some sections of the website are:
Maybe you need know
Most viewed
Activities for share
Questions to expert

The page offer too different forums about: Gestation, labor and birth, maternal lactation, stimulation and learning, children’s healthy, specials needs.

I visit this page when I have an e-mail with the weekly bulletin, because I’m register there. In the weekly bulletin appears a new topic and always are very interesting. As well, the information that I read in the page is useful for my career, I like this because I use it like a complement for some subjects.